Sex positive psychotherapy for people ready to thrive. 

Stephanie "Vee" Van Fossen, LPC-S

Now offering relationship intensives!

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    Sow Hope

  • Slide title

    Nurture Desire

  • Slide title

    Cultivate Joy


I’m glad you’re here. 

Sex, Desire, Communication, & Intimacy: Understanding & Empowerment in Relationships

"But love is like a language. If you speak it, it flows more and more easily. If you don't, then you start to lose it."

Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson

“I invite you to think about ways you might introduce risk to safety, mystery to the familiar, and novelty to the enduring.”

“our sexuality is an open-ended personal project; it is part of who we are, an identity, and no longer merely something we do.”


― Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic by Esther Perel

“But when we reduce the conversation to simply passing judgment, we are left with no conversation at all.”

“When marriage was an economic arrangement, infidelity threatened our economic security; today marriage is a romantic arrangement and infidelity threatens our emotional security.”

The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity by Esther Perel

“Sex is… perfectly natural. It’s something that’s pleasurable. It’s enjoyable and it enhances a relationship. So why don’t we learn as much as we can about it and become comfortable with ourselves as sexual human beings because we are all sexual?” 

Sue Johanson

“We don’t ask when people age out of singing, or eating ice cream; why would we stop making love?”

Ashton Applewhite

“I have tried sex with both men and women. I found I liked it.”

Dusty Springfield

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Anxiety, Anger, Trauma, & Depression: It's Time to Know You are Enough

“Who would I be if I unlearned everything I had learned without my permission?”


―  Punch Me Up to the Gods by Brian Broome

“Not everything that weighs you down is yours to carry.”


“But here’s the remarkable thing about self-love: When you start to love yourself for the first time, when you start to truly embrace who you are—flaws and all—your scars start to look a lot more like beauty marks. The words that used to haunt you transform into badges of pride.”

Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story by Jacob Tobia


“He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez


"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."

―     Nina Simone, 1964; The Animals, 1965

“When angry, count four. When very angry, swear.”

―     Mark Twain

“Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are.”


― Lady Gaga 

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Loved Ones of TGNC Individuals: Navigating Gender Transitions in Relationships and Family Systems

“The reality about gender is that we are all morphing all the time. We are all growing and evolving, excavating and renovating. I will be discovering new facets of my gender until my last breath. And so my coming out is never complete.” 

Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story by Jacob Tobia

"Individuals transition, but any existing partnerships transition too, and said transitions can be moments of shared celebration, but also a context for grief to settle if not given space to be processed."

Trans Sex: Clinical Approaches to Trans Sexualities and Erotic Embodiments by Lucie Fielding

“But when you hear the same stories over and over again, from people from all over the world, you start realizing that transgender is not an anomaly. It’s a part of the spectrum of people’s realities. Then you stop wondering about the cause and you start realizing it’s a part of reality.”

Susan Kuklin, Beyond Magenta: Transgender and Nonbinary Teens Speak Out

Coming out as transgender or otherwise gender nonconforming doesn't happen in isolation.

In the wake of your partner or child or parent's revelation, you may be experiencing a tailspin of emotions, thoughts, and questions.

You might be wondering what it means for your relationship, for your loved one's safety and wellbeing, extended family dynamics, your own identity, and any number of other things. You might be wondering how you can be supportive while simultaneously navigating your own process of orienting to your loved one's exploration or transition into their authentic self.

“The richness, beauty and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty and vulnerability.”

Anthony Venn Brown

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Hi, I'm Vee (she/her)

I'm a Texas-born product of a former Marine Corps, liberal trans-woman and artist, and a conservative, southern school teacher who divorced when I was in grade school. Of course, that is a gross underrepresentation of the full spectrum of both their personhoods, but you get the picture. Just like you, I started out in this world steeped in my own family's culture as well as my community's social norms. As you might imagine, between Mom, Dad, and society, those values and expectations were all over the board, and often clashed. I tell you this because my origins have allowed me to do some solid work to define and live according to my own values, which translates to the insight, compassion, and curiosity I bring to our sessions.

At this point in my life, I recognize that I carry the privilege of a white, middle aged, able-bodied, straight-passing ciswoman in a mono and heteronormative marriage; and I recognize the accountability, work, and responsibility to learn and amplify other voices that comes with it as an ally and an anti-racist. 

I'm also a mother, a stepmother, a daughter, a sister, a partner, a friend, a gardener, a cancer survivor, and (of course!) a fully licensed and experienced therapist who loves what she gets to do for a living. Within all of that, I understand that your experience is uniquely yours, and my foundation allows me the opportunity to hold space and support you while exploring, growing, and connecting with what's meaningful to you. 

I bring myself, as a human, to our work together, alongside my years of experience and education. While I am continuously reading, researching, and learning up to date information that gets applied in our sessions, I am not a textbook, or a psychoanalytical robot. Our relationship is a therapeutic tool in and of itself, and I invite candor, humor, and genuine connection. 

Fun fact: Studies have shown that swearing can actually reduce stress and increase pain tolerance! 

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