And brains! Y'all, this is my new favorite office plant, Mammillaria Elongata Cristata, A.K.A. a brain cactus. As you might assume with a name like Garden Space, my office is decorated with plants. It is also, in fact, decorated with skull and brain art, and this little gem is the first office decoration that encompasses all of the asthetic elements in one adorable (albeit spooky) planter. Despite the fact that I inherited a great deal of my sense of humor as well as a bit of my style from my lovely mom, she neither deserves nor desires any credit for these decor choices. She is dubious of my professional asthetic, but I remain undeterred.
In addition to being an authentic representation of how I show up in the world, I want my office to be a comfortable, safe space, just as I'd hope for any psychotherapy office. As such, I also intend for it to express and inspire the underlying and overarching themes of what happens within its walls (and primarily through telehealth as of late).
We literally acknowledge the nervous system response to life events. We also address the squishy, emotional guts of things, and we fortify the the bones of existing as a human. We look at life. We look at death. We look at how they are an inseparable part of one another. We do the deep, difficult, rewarding work, and we come up for air with humor and language that can be as colorful as the office space around us.
So, yeah. Skulls, brains, plants, and profanity. These are a few of my favorite things, and I welcome you to this shared space.